Monday, May 6, 2013

The doctor was wrong?

When I went to see the endo specialist he told me that the endo diet didn't work. Oh really? Well then neither do your stupid hormone pills!  When I started with the hormone pills I decided not to be so strict and let up on my vegan diet. Well, here we are a month later and I have more pain than a woman in labor. Seriously.  I should have never stopped the endo diet.

Back on again today. But the pain is almost unbearable. I'm gonna go juice something...maybe I'll feel better.


Monday, April 22, 2013

Taking a break...

I am taking a break from being veg. I had only gone veg to see if it would help my endo.  Since the endo specialist said it doesn't help I've been bummed about it.  Not saying I'm gonna turn into a carnivore, never was one in the first place. LOL!

We'll see how I do with some animal protein back in my diet.  And if I don't like it then I'll just go back to being veg. After all, I saw I am able to do it. Not like I was really missing out on anything. LOL! 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Pineapple bliss

Today's green smoothie....I'm calling it pineapple bliss.  I think it could have been sweeter but it was still good!

1/4 C pineapple
1 banana
1 round of spinach (frozen)
1 c yogurt (active cultures)
1 tsp flax seed
1 small lime

blend together...viola! 

I haven't had a smoothie or green juice in three days now.  Either it's all in my head or I am really feeling it.  I also hadn't been drinking my ginger tea.  The arthritis in my knee was killing me.  Have gone back to my ginger tea the last two evenings....knee is feeling ok today. 

Back on track with my smoothies and will do some kind of green juice tonight.  Going to visit a friend this evening so hope she doesn't make too many goodies!


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Juice feasting (aka fasting)

So after my idiocy of going off my diet this past weekend I have decided that not only do I need to get back on it....I'm going to try a juice feast at least 3 days a week if not more. 

Today's lovely....what I am calling a half juice half smoothie.  And of course, it's green.  But yummy.  I tried something different today and I really like it.

Today's Juice/smoothie's recipe:


1 apple (I have braeburn at the moment)
2 carrots
1 lime (with the peel)
2 handfuls of fresh spinach (first time juicing these babies)
a handful of red grapes

Add to this in the blender (I use a stand mixer)
1 banana
5-6 strawberries
1 tablespoon flax seed

Tada!  I wasn't sure about juicing the fresh spinach at first. When the smell hit me as I juiced it I thought uh oh....but it is just a neutral tasting as the frozen spinach.  The lime really adds a kick to it that I like.

And before I forget, I started off the day by drinking a cup of warm (not hot) water with half a lemon squeezed in it.  I read it is supposed to alkalize your body, fight off cravings, help with digestion, etc. So I figured why not.  This isn't the first time I've read about this.  I just thought now is the right time to incorporate it into my diet. 

That said...I drank it around 0930 and didn't want anything until 1200.  So if this is the case I'm gonna have to force myself to have some kind of breakfast.  We'll see how it goes. Maybe today is just one of those days I'm not craving anything cause my body is still pissed off at me for eating a bit of hamburger meat. ;-P


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Didn't I already say this?

I'm pretty sure I've already written the blog where I swear off eating things that are on my off limits list.  But I did it again. Bread. Couldn't resist, was tired of having pain anyway, so I figured what the hell. 

Oh really? Ms. what the hell? Well my knee and shoulder and back have been killing me for the last few days. What do you say to that now?

Not much. I know, I know.

Ok, it's a new day. A new week. So back on my off limits list. Except for one cup of regular, caffeinated coffee. I had a headache for a week straight! I really don't' want to take any more pills. I mean, come on. My stomach is just starting to get back to 'normal'. I have pain in my lower abdomen all the time. Do I have to take a pill?! 

I'm really tired. Physically, emotionally, mentally. All of it. I want to just go to sleep and wake up feeling 'normal'. No pain, no tiredness, no grumpiness. Just be happy to be alive.

Am I asking too much?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Green juice with berries

This mornings smoothie was my usual spinach and banana but I added some strawberries today, oh and a bit of rice milk as always.

The taste was great....the color.....pretty gross.  I sipped out of a straw and surfed FB so I wouldn't have to look at the color. lol! 

Last night I made Pineapple Green Juice. Was very good.  1/2   pineapple, 1 cucumber, 4-5 handfuls  spinach, a bunch of mint (which I forgot). It was palatable and didn't have a smell that bothered me.

That's it for today!


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Liking the green smoothies

I am really digging them!  Same recipe as yesterday but still loving it! I have a pineapple here, staring at me, just waiting for me to cut it open. I am in one of those moods...ya mood. lol!

Am going to really try to get it cut and juiced today. I read that the middle part has the most of some vitamin/mineral that I can't remember the name of right now that is really good for you. Helps fight cancer.  Does so many things for us and most of us throw it away.  Who knew?

Also got some oranges cause it doesn't seem to be warming up anytime soon and we need our vitamin c. 

Wishing the weather would warm up so I can start to make some sorbet. I love sorbet. I still remember the very first time I tried it. We were at a fancy restaurant. (with my family) I was around 12 ish...not sure anymore.  It was strawberry sorbet and served in a big shell that they had filled with some kind of gelatin that was hardened and had a small scoop cut out in it.  In that scoop they   put the sorbet. Just they display of it was fascinating to my eyes. And then I tasted it. I've been hooked every since.

Today I found a recipe to make my own at home. And you don't even need an ice cream maker. Of course, it's better if you have one but it can be done without . And seeing as how I don't have one...

So, let's hope the weather warms up soon because I want some sorbet!  Also the Italian ice cream places around here have the best sorbet.  Can't wait for it to warm up!  Haven I said that already? 

Sorry....this Texas gal just can't get used to the cold, even 14 years after being in good 'ol Germany. I'd rather be in Texas. (or at the beach in Texas to be more exact.)
